It is time to be a winning culture. It is time to be intentional on the values we want for our children, our colleagues, and our neighbors. It is time to join together to fight despair and spread a message of HOPE... LOVE… and Celebrating Your Daily WINS.
It is time for you to be a part of:
The How Many Wins Network
Work closely with Jeff Eben and the How Many Wins team to learn the language and behaviors that help YOU be a part of a movement that can change our homes, classrooms, and communities.
A 1 year membership entitles you to:
Access to the MEMBERS ONLY Section of the website. Members will be able to access articles and download current material from Jeff’s work including clips of his speeches, his music video and songs.
A monthly HMW Newsletter
Bimonthly Audio Podcasts on Building Culture
Strategies on how to build a How Many Wins Classroom
Sustain a Winning Attitude through a long year.
Jeff will also be doing an interactive webinar related to building a winning culture. The work will follow a theme and schedule that is consistent with how he teaches to his staff.
This is a value of $2500.00, but you can be on the TEAM for $749. For less than $70 a month, you can be part of winning the game of life.
Join the
in 3 Easy Steps:
Step 1: Sign Up Here
Step 2: Pay Via one of the Following Payment Plans
Monthly Payment Subscription of $67.99
3 Payments of $256 Every 4 Months
2 Payments of $374.50 Every 6 Months
Pay in Full for $749 (Best Value- $50 Discount)
Step 3: Create an Online Account for Access to the Members Only Page. You will receive an email confirmation of providing access within 24 hours of receiving payment.
Spread The Love... It's Time!
Terms and Conditions: Upon payment and approval to the How Many Wins Network you are agreeing to a 1 year membership. Monthly subscriptions will bill through PayPal automatically. The first payment of an Installment Plan will be billed automatically through PayPal. Subsequent Installment Plan Payments will be billed by email invoice at the appropriate time. Member will have 14 days to pay. After the conclusion of one year, you may renew your membership at a reduced rate or have the option to cancel at any time. Membership has permission to use and share Mr. Eben's materials for their professional endeavors in good faith. Membership may not sell, use, or illegally distribute the How Many Wins brand, publications, music, or materials for profit.
Support: For all questions, comments, and concerns please use the contact page.