I was born and raised in California by a Caucasian mother and Hawaiian father. Though we were raised learning the Island folk songs and were proud of our heritage, I've never felt a part of Polynesian experience. Without question, my trip to Kamehameha Schools in February changed that narrative and stirred a new belonging for me in the Hawaiian culture. I spent 2 days speaking to parents, students, and staff and brought the How Many Wins message to the KMS middle school. It was a great time for me and I was blown away by the campus and people of the organization.
The Spirit of Aloha is alive and well in the KMS system. I found my message to be very consistent with their themes as hope and love are the pillars of both of our core value statements. For the first time, I was recognized as a member of the Hawaiian family and it was one of the proudest moments of my life; I felt a sense of belonging I had never experienced before and I look forward to more interaction with my new Ohana.